The Observatory in Los Angeles, CA
The Observatory in Los Angeles, CA
Eat Well-Travel Often
The Observatory in Los Angeles, CA
Every client I have ever booked a trip for in the past has asked me that question multiple times. Below I share with the rest of you a rule of thumb when trying to book your next trip. Remember, this is a general rule of thumb but as with anything else, there are exceptions. TRAVEL…
Traveling Abroad Tip Do you know who to contact if one of your loved one needs to be reached in case of an emergency while they are outside of the states? Do they know how to reach you when you are traveling abroad? “If your family needs to reach you or you need to reach…
Most of us tend to over pack when it comes to traveling. It’s even harder, i believe, for women because shoes can take up a lot of space. The fact that leaving one pair of shoe behind feels like we are leaving a child behind doesn’t help either. In my past few trips to the…
Today’s destination focus: The Cook Islands, ”the secret of the pacific”. Enjoy a adequately warm and sunny climate all year round. June to August are the cooler months, whilst November to March marks the warmer season making it a perfect escape for those of us who live in cold areas during these months. Location: The 15 islands of the…
Traveling outside of the U.S? Avoid a large phone bill! Disabling the Data feature isn’t usually enough. Someone recently came back to a bill of over $1,000 of just data overages, definitely not what anyone wants to come home to! Next time you travel, make sure you turn off the feature which checks for messages…