Flights to Athens as low as $398

Update: As of 2/25/15 3:00pm EST there are no more fares left at the lowest prices described below! If you were one of the lucky ones to snatch this deal let me know!

From: Los Angeles, CA
Flights to Athens are just $398 on Delta from LAX! Yes, Round-trip! That’s on average how much you pay to fly to Mexico sometimes! There are several dates available. The calendar below shows the dates and prices. Make sure you book before these fares vanish!

From: New York City, NY
I found fares as low as $460 in March as the first calendar shows below on Delta. For April and May there are several dates available at $595! Even into June the fares go up by $60-$80 but still, good pricing!



Rember If you want to visit Mykonos, you can do a few days in Athens and then either do a 30 minute flight into Mykonos or take a ferry which can take anywhere between 2-5 hours! With the above fares it’s easy to have more room in your budget! Happy travels.

*Note: fares constantly change so these might sell out before you get a chance at them.